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Javier Gomez is an immigrant, brought to live in America by his parents to ensure his health, safety, and well-being. Yet growing up in this country, he becomes a statistical casualty of the dark side of a blinded educational system unwilling to face its challenges and admit to its failures—a broken system too afraid in taking a step to eradicate its hatred and bigotry toward new immigrants a shade darker than their coffee. He is a refugee of the dark, mean streets of East LA and survived the turbulent times of the street protest marches against an unjust war on foreigners in foreign and local lands. He was fortunate to join the holy crusade la Causa for farmworkers’ rights, Chicano and Chicana rights, and human rights, after returning from a vision-quest pilgrimage revealing “the times are changing.” His life’s passion was defined to champion the banner of la Causa in his rediscovery of the cultural truth of enlightenment in his pursuit for empowerment and freedom.

Blessed are those who serve others in need and never expect to be rewarded.


Inn Tlaque, Inn Nahuaque!


You are my other self.

Walk proudly wearing your aging huahuaches!

The footprints left behind will lead us!